Career and Technical Programs

About Career Tech


The vision for the Career and Technical Education Program is a vital, progressive, and rigorous part of the total educational system that provides students with life skills and prepares them as a workforce in which business and industry are confident.


Our mission is to provide resources and services that ensure students' success in life and work.

Core Values

  • Integrity first.

  • Striving for excellence.

  • Always professional.

  • Loyalty in service.

  • Success through teamwork.


  • Promote the positive image of career/technical education.

  • Provide relevant and focused professional development.

  • Maintain effective partnerships to promote development of Alabama's workforce.

  • Provide continuous development of rigorous, progressive, and research-based career/technical education curricula.

  • Recruit and retain highly qualified career/technical teachers and administrators.

  • Increase the academic skills of career/technical education students.

  • Exceed minimum requirements of state and federal legislation.

  • Improve articulation with post-secondary education.

  • Enhance and support the use of technology.
