School Profile

Our School

Programs Offered at JCCLC:

REACH Program - Realist Educational & Counseling Help

The REACH Program is a short-term behavioral program with an academic focus designed to allow students to maintain positive grades in classwork from their base school while developing positive behavioral skills. Students enrolled at the JCCLC will complete assignments using the Edmentum a web-based e-learning platform during their duration at the JCCLC. Studnets will also receive 1 1/2 hours of positive behavioral support daily teaching skills such as : positive communication, anger management, self-advocacy, team work, and conflict resolution skills. 

Students assigned to the JCCLC REACH Program will complete a 20, 30, or 45 day academic and behavioral program before being allowed to return to their base school. The overall length of stay is dependent on successful completion of each individual day as well as the student's completion of assignments in Edmentum. 




Students are normally only assigned to the 30-Day Program after having served a previous assignment at one of the 15-day regional sites.

  • Students who commit a Class III Infraction while assigned to the 15-day program may have their assignment changed to 30 Days of REACH based on the decision of the hearing officer.

  • Students who commit egregious Class III offenses may, at the discretion of the hearing officer, be assigned to the 30-Day REACH program without attending a 15-day program.

45 Day REACH Program

  • Students are normally only assigned to the 45 day program after having served a previous assignment in the REACH 30 Day Program.

    • Students who commit a Class III Infraction while assigned to the 30 Day REACH Program may have their assignment changed to 45 days at the decision of the hearing officer.

    • Students who commit an especially egregious Class III Infraction may be assigned to the REACH 45 Day Program in lieu of attending one of the other shorter programs at the discretion of the hearing officer.

    • Students who commit 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.07, 3.08, 3.10 and 3.18 (to name a few) may be directly assigned to the 45 Day REACH Program on the first Class III Infraction based on the nature of the offense.

  • Regional Alternative Placement (RAP)

    Center Point High School

    Fultondale High School

    Hueytown High School

    Minor High School

    Irondale Middle School