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MHS Career Academies
Career Academy Admissions Agreement
Minor High School Career Academy Program offers a broad variety of specialized curricula for highly interested and motivated students. For students to be successful in these academies, the student must be a consistent and dedicated learner committed to completing and credentialing in a pathway within the chosen academy. Therefore, our Career Academies require that students make the following commitment. I agree to the following terms and conditions for participating in the Minor High School Academy Program.
I will…
- Follow the rules of the Academy as well as those rules outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
- Actively and effectively participate and engage in academy activities (i.e. class environment, internships related to pathway, etc.) necessary to meet the expectations set forth for by the academy and each class
- Submit quality work in a timely manner seeking additional assistance from my instructors as needed
- Manifest the highest degree of academic integrity
- Maintain excellent attendance and behavior
- Fulfill all academy or advanced academic program requirements
- Remain in the selected academy of choice
I also understand that after my tenth-grade year, I must remain in the selected academy of choice.