- North Jefferson Middle School
- Athletics
6th Grade Newcomb
- Season: October (tryouts are at the end of September)
- Requirements: Current 6th grade student. Good academic standing and good character.
- Coaches: Natalie Johnsey
6th Grade Track
- Season: March-April (tryoouts in March. County meet is in April)
- Requirements: Current 6th grade student. Good academic standing and good character.
- Coaches: Natalie Johnsey, Joey Harp
- Season: January 8th - April 18th; Games begin February 19th (tryouts are usually in September-October)
- Requirements: Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and cleared by a physician prior to tryouts. Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play).
- Coaches: Andrew Love and Matthew Seidel
- Season: January 8th - April 18th; Games begin February 19th (tryouts are usually in September-October)
Basketball (Boys)
- Season: Octobber-January (tryouts are usually end of April or early May, Summer practices/Summer camp)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Joshua Hayes, Trevor Chandler
Basketball (Girls)
- Season: October-December (tryouts are usually in April or May, Summer practices)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play). Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Joey Harp
- Season: October-December (tryouts are usually in April or May, Summer practices)
- Season: October-November (tryouts are in early October)
- Requirements: Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and cleared by a physician prior to tryouts. Must be 7th or 8th to play.
- Coaches: Jenna Huffstutler and Amanda Grimes
- Season: August-January (tryouts are usually in March)
- Requirements: Must attend mandatory parent meeting before tryouts. Current 6th and 7th grade students are eligible to try out in the spring-must be 7th or 8th grade to participate. Good academic standing and good character.
- Coaches: Rachel Latham and Misty Talley
- Season: August-January (tryouts are usually in March)
Cross Country
- Season: August-October
- Requirements: Good academic standing and good character. Must have a completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician before first practice. Must be in 7th or 8th grade to run.
- Coaches:
- Season: August-January (Tryouts are usually in March or Early April-there is a mandatory parents' meeting prior to tryouts)
- Requirements: Must have at least a C average from the previous semester to be eligible to try out. Must be able to attend UDA Dance Camp in late May or early June. The Devilettes perform at most NJMS football (fall) and basketball (winter) games. Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out in the spring.
- Coaches: Cynthia Densmore and Ashley Adams
- Season: August-October (tryouts immediately after baseball season ends. Spring practice is 5-10 days. Summer workouts will follow after school year ends. Practices begin one week prior to school starting for students)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts. Must have all parent permission forms sighed and returned to coach before participating.
- Coaches: Joey Harp (head coach), Chase Graveman, Jeremy Penney, Chase Batchelor, Natalie Johnsey
- Season: Winter/Spring from Feburary-April (tryouts in January of that same year)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Joshua Hayes
- Season: January-April (tryouts are usually in October or November)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Natalie Johnsey, Emilee Cassidy
Track (Indooor & Outdoor)
- Season: Indoor-November-January/ Outdoor-February-April (There are no tryouts for indoor track. All students are welcome to participate, however, depending on the number of track athletes, the max number of participants is 6 per event and 3 per event for County Championship meets.)
- Requirements: Current 7th and 8th graders are eligible to try out. Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed a physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts. All parent permission and concussion forms must be signed and returned before participating.
- Outdoor Coaches: Chris Campbell and Chad Airhart
- Season: August-October (tryouts are usually in April or May, Summer practices after school is out)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed a physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Heather Bullard (Head), Jenna Huffstutler
- Season: November-January (There are not tryouts, however, there is spring training in May for all current 6th, 7th and 8th graders who want to join the team. Summer practices & summer camp)
- Requirements: Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to try out (must be 7th or 8th to play) Good academic standing and good character. Must have completed physical exam and be cleared by a physician prior to tryouts.
- Coaches: Jeremy Penny
File Library
AHSAA Participation Agreement
ahsaa participation agreement consent and release.pdf 816.79 KB (Last Modified on November 21, 2018)