- McAdory Middle School
- School Counseling
Degrees and Certifications:
Sonya Smith & Tyler Wright
Who are your School Counselors?
We have two counselors working at McAdory Middle School. Each one is available to work with any student but we each have a specific grade for guidance lessons, teacher consults and parent contacts.
Mrs. Smith works with 6th and 8th grade.
Mrs. Wright works with 6th and 7th grades.
How can your Counselor Help?
- Overwhelmed by classwork
- Scared because your parents are splitting up
- Worried about a friend
- Feel like you don't fit in
- Feeling Stressed
- Dealing with Anger
- Talking to your parents
- Problems with a teacher
Sometimes it's just not possible to sort through tough times alone. Problems can build up and you may lose sleep, find you can't concentrate on homework, or even become depressed. When you need to talk to someone, your school counselor (sometimes called a guidance counselor) can be a great place to start.
Your school counselor is someone who is separate from your life - a neutral adult who isn't a parent, relative, or teacher. Your school counselor isn't there in the role of a therapist. (So if you see your school counselor, it's not the same as getting therapy.) If you need help in some way that the school counselor can't provide, she can give you information about other resources.
If you're seeing your counselor and your parents don't know about it, don't worry that the counselor will talk to them about your meetings. Unless you've given the counselor the feeling you may harm yourself or others, or someone is hurting you, then what's said in your meeting will stay just between you and the counselor.
No matter what your problem, try to think of the counselor as someone who's on your side. Even if you've had a bad experience in the past with another counselor or a private therapist, don't hesitate to contact your school counselor. Every counselor is different, and most understand that it's natural for people to be more comfortable with some individuals than others.
School counselors are all about helping to make your school experience the best it can be!
Contact Information:
Sonya Smith 205-379-4730 sonyasmith@jefcoed.com
Tyler Wright 205-379-4730 Tylerwright@jefcoed.com